Hi Guys,
I have configured two different forest in two way trust at AD level domain such as abc.loc & xyz.com and my SCOM1 server is part of abc,loc domain, but i have server in domain xyz which I want to manage from this SCOM server.
When I am installing agent on the server a1.xyz.loc then the agent is sucessfully getting installed but my it is getting stuck in pending management with message "The installation of this agent is still in progress. If a computer remains in this state for an extended period of time, reject the computer from this view and retry discovery and agent installation."
and here are the
AgentName : a1.xyz.loc
ManagementServerName : SCOM1.contoso.loc
AgentPendingActionType : PushInstall
LastModified : 11-12-2013 12:33:02
ManagementGroup : SCOMMGMT
ManagementGroupId : 6969cff5-7246-82ca-52dd-8d0823bbb4aa
need your help to resolve this issue.