Hi! All,
Not sure how to find which server is having this issue and how to resolve it. I close the alert and it comes back up again.
opsmgr server: 2007 r2 CU7
OS - windows server 2008 r2 64 bit
MP versions:
redhat operating systems library - 6.1.7000.277
linux operating systems library - 6.1.7000.277
redhat enterprise linux server 6 operating syste - 6.1.7000.293
redhat enterprise linux server 5 operating system - 6.17000.277
Any help is appreciated.
Name: Operations Manager
Source: Health Service Modules
Generating Rule: Collect Generic Performance Mapper Module Events
Event Number: 11052
Level: Warning
Logging Computer: opsmgr-1.mycomp.net
User: N/A
Module was unable to convert parameter to a double value
Original parameter: '$Data///*[local-name()="WritesPerSecond"]$'
Parameter after $Data replacement: ''
Error: 0x80020005
Details: Type mismatch.
One or more workflows were affected by this.
Workflow name: Microsoft.Linux.RHEL.5.LogicalDisk.DiskWritesPerSecond.Collection
Instance name: /data
Instance ID: {F2C36E1A-801B-9742-2B8E-A4B5CB82796D}
Management group: MyComp
Event Data: View Event Data
< DataItem type =" System.XmlData " time =" 2013-05-19T09:01:11.2919969-07:00 " sourceHealthServiceId =" BE696523-FF99-7797-5E4E-A10518300B38 " >
< EventData >
< Data > MyComp </ Data >
< Data > Microsoft.Linux.RHEL.5.LogicalDisk.DiskWritesPerSecond.Collection </ Data >
< Data > /data </ Data >
< Data > {F2C36E1A-801B-9742-2B8E-A4B5CB82796D} </ Data >
< Data > $Data///*[local-name()="WritesPerSecond"]$ </ Data >
< Data />
< Data > 0x80020005 </ Data >
< Data > Type mismatch. </ Data >
</ EventData >
</ DataItem >
Click here to hide event data
Many thanks