Hi everyone,
I am trying to monitor a login procedure on a simple Web site. Authentication is performed by a simple form on the Web Page (HTTP POST request).
When I am recording the output with Fiddler I can see that when my browser requests the URL of the web site (mywebsite.domain/default.aspx) the server will respond with a 302 response. The 302 response contains a modified URL (mywebsite.domain/(S(randomsessionID)/default.aspx. My browser redirects to mywebsite.domain/(S(randomsessionID)/default.aspx where the simple form of authentication is located.
My problem is that I am not sure how to capture the (S(randomsessionID) with the Web Application Transaction Monitoring template. I understand that the injected sessionId in the URL is part of the concept of cookieless mode in IIS(?).
My two questions are:
Is it possible to monitor cookieless sessions with Web Application Transaction Monitoring template and if yes: how?
If no, what other options do I have?
Best Regards
Anders Johansson