Hi all,
I'm inthe process of setting up network monitoring via SCOM 2012.
Unfortunately we use a lot of Cisco 5500's
These are not "Certified" and in the "Generic" monitoring mode the information retrieved from the devices is useless.
The level of detail is absolutely unsatisfactory and I would like to avoid to have to implement a second tool (such as solarwinds) to monitor our network devices.
Does anyone have an idea, when the supported list will be extended?
The last update I see is from 26/7/2012 :
I'm using this type of switch:
Cisco NX-OS(tm) n5000, Software (n5000-uk9), Version 5.1(3)N1(1), RELEASE SOFTWARE Copyright (c) 2002-2011 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Device Manager Version 5.2(2), Compiled 12/6/2011 22:00:00
Many thanks!