Hello reader ,
I know this might be a repeated hearing for you. I have been sitting wit this issue for many hours now. I would like to understand where or what am I missing.
We have the default 'Logical Disk Space' Monitoring enabled for ALL servers in our environment. In one SQL server, non-system drive(E:) went beyond the warning(2000MB and 10%) and Critical (1000MB and 5%) Threshold.The total space allotted for the Drive E: was 79GB. Now the total space left today morning was 698MB. But no alert was triggered.
I checked the following
- If the health service watcher was available. - Yes it was.
- If the Space really dropped to 698 - Yes it did. I verified from Performance Report.
- I checked if there are any overrides - Nothing specific found.
- In most of the blogs they said me to check if both criteria was successful - As shown above it is clearly matches.
Any idea why this alert was not fired ?
S.Arun Prasath HP ARDE TEAM