I'm currently running SCOM 2012 R2 upgraded from SCOM 2012 SP1. The issue occurs in both.
When I retire a server and remove the server from the Run As account for that domain, all servers in that domain momentarily go to a grey agent and alert with the following:
The System Center Management Health Service
1767B22C-0A82-A450-CBF6-BF1C7AE24029 running on host *ServerName*
and serving management group with id {56B049D5-762E-E5A0-6056-0B13E877DCA4} is
not healthy. Some system rules failed to load.
About 2 minutes later all servers go back to green and the system closes the monitor.
Am I retiring servers incorrectly? We try to uninstall the agent from the server before retirement but it makes no difference as to the issue above.
If we delete the server out of the Agent Managed view without removing it from the Run As account first, it corrupts the Run As account and we have to add all the servers back manually.