I have 4 groups, within 3 of the groups, all the members are dynamically populated. The dynamic rules are pretty simple, if a UNIX/Linux computer and IP address matches some given subnet then populate the member there. (The same can be said for Windows computers) The last (4th) group is setup to populate all members that do not meet the criteria of the other 3 groups, ie. object is UNIX/Linux computer and does not meet regular expression of the IP Subnet.
My problem is, I have added some new machines in the past few days but they are not being populated within any of the four groups. Since they do not meet any of the subnet ranges in the first three groups, they should be by "default" be populated in the last group.
Any ideas why this could be happening? I don't see any errors in the event id. All I can think of, I recently installed CU4 in the past few weeks...