I have a custom group used for SQL alerts which I have populated with the following dynamic criteria. This group is used to scope notifications for our SQL Admins.
( ( Object is SQL Agent AND True ) OR ( Object is SQL Agent Job AND True ) OR ( Object is SQL Analysis Services AND True ) OR ( Object is SQL Component AND True ) OR ( Object is SQL Components AND True ) OR( Object is SQL Computers AND True ) OR ( Object is SQL Database AND True ) OR ( Object is SQL DB Engine AND True ) OR ( Object is SQL DB File AND True ) OR ( Object is SQL DB File Group AND True ) OR ( Object is SQL DB Perspective AND True ) OR ( Object is SQL Distributor AND True ) OR ( Object is SQL Instances AND True ) OR ( Object is SQL Integration Services AND True ) OR ( Object is SQL Publication AND True ) OR ( Object is SQL Publisher AND True ) OR ( Object is SQL Reporting Services AND True ) OR ( Object is SQL Role AND True ) OR ( Object is SQL Subscriber AND True ) OR ( Object is SQL Subscription AND True ) )
The SQL Computers group is pulling in all the computers with SQL running on it including 2 computers which the SQL Admins do not care about.
The problem is these 2 servers (and their SQL instance) is of concern to a different group so I can't just remove it from discovery.
Anyone have any suggestions on how I can exclude these 2 servers only from the custom group?
EDIT: I should also mention that if I view the group members for the custom group the windows computer does not appear. Instead "SQL Computers" group appears almost like a sub group to my custom group.