I'm not sure if governance is the best word to use here but I am trying to find some documentation on how to best use SCOM in an organization. There is a fair amount of documentation on the technical side of SCOM - how do do certain things - but I haven't been able to find much on how to actually consume the data provided. For example, if I start getting a bunch of Exchange alerts, what is the best way of dealing with them? If I am in a mom & pop shop and I am the SCOM admin, there's a pretty good chance that I am also the Exchange admin so who looks after the alert is fairly self-evident. But, what about larger shops? I know that notifications can be set up but what about follow up? What if I have alerts anging around on my SCOM box that should have been cleared days ago? What options do I have and what are the pros and cons of them?
You can argue that this is outside the scope of SCOM, but I don't think that it is. SCOM does not exist in isolation. It is a part of an organization and we must have policies and procedures that define how we deal with the data someting like SCOM produces. Does anyone know if there have been any books or papers written on this subject? So far, I have found none and I have a few SCOM books in my collection.