I'am creating a recovery task witch wil do a shutdown of my envirement when the temperature in the datacenter is above 30 degrees Celcius. When I did a test a run found out that the timeout option in the Recovery task pane isn't working.
My settings are:
Timeout Setting in the Diagnostic and Recovery Properties
The VBS script is Run to start a Powershell Script:
Option Explicit Dim objShell Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") objShell.run "powershell -noexit -file D:\Scripts\testscript.ps1",4,true
The Powershell Script that is called by the VBS Script. This is not the powerdown Script but a Timeout Test Script
import-Module "d:\scripts\Functions\Currenttime.ps1" $Logfile = "D:\Log\Timeouttest.ps1.$logfile.txt" Start-Transcript -Path $Logfile > $null Write-Host (CurrentTime)" - Start Logfile" do { $Value++ if ($Value -eq 1) { Write-Host (CurrentTime)" - Start Waiting" } else { write-host (CurrentTime)" - Time out + 30 Seconde" } sleep 30 #1800 } while ( $Value -ne 21 ) Stop-Transcript > $null
The Function that is imported in the powershell Script.
Function CurrentTime { (get-date).toString('yyyy.MM.dd hh.mm.ss') }
When I generate the a alert and the Recovery task is started the scripts times out after 5 minuters. When I run the same scripts whitout System Center Operations Manager then everything works.
Hope someone can help me
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