I have SharePoint 2013 SP1 standard edition. I have no success installing Operations Manager Web Part automatic through script or manually. Same effect.
Site that i`m testing is based on empty site template.
When I add Operations Manager Web Part, and try to edit I get error Sorry, this site hasn't been shared with you. Erro is the same if I try to add webpar on library level. After I add thet web part and try to edit, I get the same error.
Second information, that is missing in Sharpoint APPS is “operations manager web console environments” (look link http://blogs.4ward.it/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/clip_image007.jpg)
I have done the same as it is dun under flowing link http://blogs.4ward.it/operations-manager-web-part-in-sharepoint-2013/, to the point when you add webpart.
I`m missing some feature that has to be enabled on site, or I’m doing something wrong.