SCOM 2012 r2My
I do only use 1 SCOM management server. This server have been working fine in ca. 1 month,
and this happen
MS status:
- Is grayed out.
- Do not generate alerts.
- Do not colose monitors after the error has been fixed.
In event view -> Operation Manager:
A Bind Data Source in Management Group MSSERVER has posted items to the workflow, but has not received a response in 9960 seconds. This indicates a performance or functional problem with the workflow.
Workflow Id : Microsoft.SystemCenter.CollectAlerts
Instance : MSSERVER
warning alerts for all workflow Id: Microsoft.SystemCenter.CollectXXX-- I was sure this had something to do With the DataWarehouseDB but i can not see any errors here. I do have Connection With all databases and it is not either a preformence issue!
I can see a Critical state on user action manager and agent manager on my grayed out MS server in detail view.
All other agents and servers are healthy.
All services are up and running.
If I restart the MSserver it shows at healthy for about 20min before it goes gray again.
Can someone help me fix my MSserver?
I am still New in SCOM