since long we do Server Restart Monitoring with EventID 6005.
( see here for details http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/systemcenter/en-US/737dc61a-b400-47ce-a0e6-2b35e64abca0/server-restart-monitoring?forum=operationsmanagergeneral )
But now we are facing a problem:
1) Machine stop swith e Bugcheck
2) Machine restarts
3) EventID 6005 is logged at 5:15:10 PM
4) HealthService logs "Health Service ESE Store", EventID 102 at 5:15:14 PM
--> EventID 6005 is not reported to OpsMgr ! And that is not good.
We are running Microsoft Monitoring Agent 7.1.10184 on that machine , think it's the OpsMgr 2012 R2 Agent.
Does somebody else have these effects ?