I recently posted a question regarding disabling cluster MP due to problems we were having with it. http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/8052e472-6848-4c29-a502-2bd09bd88019/disable-cluster-mp-on-selected-servers-but-not-remove-mp?forum=operationsmanagergeneral
From that I got how to disable using the following method
1) Create group that captures servers I want to affect
2) find classes:
Authoring/Management Pack Objects/Object Discoveries
Scope: Windows Computer
FIND: cluster (looking for Windows Server 2008 (using R2) cluster discovery
3) Right click properties / Discovered classes tab
4) to override the monitoring of this I would then right click/override/override the object discovery/for a group and select the group I want to disable the discovery against.
I also gathered to do the following but unsure of why
Groups/Windows Cluster/group name and override for that specific group
Run command: Remove-DisabledMonitoringObject
After further research what I want to do and need help with is:
For the object Windows Server 2008 Cluster Discovery (I’m assuming also covers R2 as I don’t show a R2 cluster discovery) I wish to only prevent discovery of the following classes:
Cluster Resource Group
Cluster Resource
While maintaining monitoring of the other classes suchas as Windows Server 2008 Cluster Network Interface, Windows cluster, Cluster network etc…
First can this be done without some weirdness in how the MP will operate and if so how do I accomplish this.
The following MP are installed
Windows Server 2008 Cluster Management Monitoring and Library 6.0.7063.0
Windows Cluster Management Monitoring and Library 6.0.763
Windows Server Cluster Disks Monitoring 6.0.7061
Windows Cluster Library 7.0.8432.0