I realize monitors only alert when the health state changes but there has to be a workaround that doesn't involve Powershell or a script to get email alerts sent let's say every hour until the health state changes back.
I could use a rule because rules will resend a new alert every time if I'm correct but what would be the comparable rule for Total CPU Utilization for example?
Could I setup multiple email subscriptions each with a different delay value? One could be with no delay, next with one hour, next two hour, and so on...? Then because each subscription is different would it send a new email even though the monitor is still in the same health state?
I guess the question came up because if there is high resource utilization at 11 PM and one email is sent out. There are only a couple admins checking at that time and if they miss that one single email than we have to go all night not knowing a server has high CPU usage and it could get higher throughout the night. If an email was sent once an hour there is less chance of missing it.