Cannot paste into this forum from the error or from notepad.
So I am typing the error in below.
When SCOM started refusing to open it became obvious the logon has been damaged perhaps. Trying my original logon (admin) credentials which always are used (added to the SQL install as well) it returns this (either shorthand user / pw or domain\user / pw):
'Please provide the following information to the support engineer if you have to contact Microsoft Help and Support :
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Presentation.Security.ConnectionSessionException: Unable to create connection setting.'
Still able to logon to SQL 2012...
I would love to get SCOM working again in this 2012 SP1 setup. Otherwise I would have to say its a bug and start all over. Should I be looking at the service cred. or SQL? Can it be healed? Was working for almost a year with a full setup in a three server lab on a .local domain. This machine is a Hyper-V 2012 OS with SQL 2012 on it.
Thanks in advance for any advice.