I found following article http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/systemcenter/en-US/609e4f4f-8133-4f80-b6ee-00b126273d8a/alert-dont-send-when-state-change-from-warning-to-critical?forum=operationsmanagergeneral
It says that by design (?) there is no possibility to trigger a subscription when the monitor's alert is changed from Warning to Critical. Strange design.
Now when the alert's severity is changed from Warning to Critical I see following changes:
- LastModification is updated
- Repeat Count is incremented
Unfortunately we cannot trigger on these changes.
Has somebody a solution for this ?
I have some colleagues to be informed for Warning and Error for the "Logical Disk Free Space" Monitors.
I think writing dulicating the Monitor and having the first to raise an alert on Warning and the other on Critical is not a good solution.
Hope someboday has already solved this issue.