I have System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager installed in a Windows Server 2012 R2 server. The Operations Manager was installed in Evaluation license and it got expired. I have the product key with me, but I am unable to apply the license.
I have been researching on this and found the following.
In this situation, install Update Rollup 2, Operations Manager 2012 and then it should be able to add the product key by using the following powershell commands.
import-module OperationsManager
Set-SCOMLicense -ProductID <Product Key>
Get-SCOMManagementGroup | ft skuforlicense, version, timeofexpiration –a
Can I install the said UR2 on my Server? (http://blogs.technet.com/b/kevinholman/archive/2012/07/31/opsmgr-2012-update-rollup-2-ships-and-my-experience-installing-it.aspx)
This refers to OpsMgr 2012. Is it applicable on OpsMgr 2012 R2? I guess No. I checked for the available updates on the OpsMgr server and there was only one update left. (KB2929891). I have installed this update already and rebooted.
But, now the problem is I am not able to run the PowerShell commands. It fails with the following error when I run the below command.
New-SCOMManagementGroupConnection : The service threw an unknown exception. See inner exception for details.
At line:1 char:1
+ New-SCOMManagementGroupConnection
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (Microsoft.Syste...nnectionCommand:NewSCManagementGroupConnectionComma
nd) [New-SCManagementGroupConnection], UnknownServiceException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExecutionError,Microsoft.SystemCenter.Core.Commands.NewSCManagementGroupConnectionCommand
The Operations Console also fails to connect. If I change the system time to a previous time, it just starts to connect but again the time will automatically syncs again and throws exception.
Is there any way I can add the product key?