I believe that I’ve stumbled on a bug with the Get-SCOMManagementPack PoSH CmdLet during my attempt to convert the following, self-evident, SCOM 2007 R2 PoSH pipeline:
Get-ManagementPack | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -match "SQL Server"}
...into a more efficient SCOM 2012 SP1 equivalent, here:
Get-SCOMManagementPack -DisplayName "SQL Server"
As seen in the CmdLet’s Get-Help output, the new Get-SCOMManagementPack CmdLet sports new, more efficient,-DisplayName& -Name switches which, according to the following descriptions, are supposed to support regular expressions:
-DisplayName <String[]>
Specifies the display name of the management packs to retrieve. This parameter is interpreted as a regular expression.
-Name <String[]>
Specifies the names of the management packs to retrieve. This parameter is interpreted as a regular expression.
Unfortunately, the above command yields anempty set. The following, less efficient command, works as expected:
Get-SCOMManagementPack | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -match "SQL Server"}
Are others seeing this?