I have 13 servers that are managed agentless via a proxy agent on the gateway server. I do this as when I had them set up to use the agent, the agent was consuming too much CPU on the servers. So, all appears to be fine, it is pulling in the percent CPU usage and such, and recognizes the OS version and what not. The issue I have, is I set up a dashboard with a performance widget to track the percent memory used. All of my agentless monitored servers show the same percentage, and the percentage is also much higher than what I see on the actual servers. So, it appears that there may be some form of roll up or something on the agentless servers, or it's taking the highest from the group, or I'm not drilling into the right counter or something. I have two widgets, one that is performance and one that is performance object. The performance one grabs the object "Memory", counter of "PercentMemoryUsed", with no performance instance selected (although I have also tried "all"). The performance object widget selects the same performance counter (Memory / PercentMemoryUsed /) and again have also tried "all" there as well. This allows the performance widget to graph/show the last value and maximum value, while the performance object shows me the average sorted from highest to lowest. I have another server that is agent managed in the same list, that shows what appears to be accurate information...and there is also a performance counter for cpu usage that appears to have accurate data for all of the above (agent and agentless). So, why am I seeing this issue with my agentless servers?