I'm trying to monitor about 15 Dell PowerConnect switches (particularly models 5548P, 5548, and 5524) using SCOM 2012 R2. Basic discovery of the devices is working via SNMP and using a recursive discovery method. Some ports are detected but not monitored, and I can't seem to get monitoring turned on for them. I first tried modifying the oid2type_Dell.conf file as discussed in http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/systemcenter/en-US/49163e33-7b74-43a5-9a5f-8a3a1ba6a737/monitor-dell-powerconnect-switchesrouters-using-scom-2012?forum=operationsmanagermgmtpacks, but that did not seem to make any difference. A couple of the discovered switches show as connected (at the 1-hop level) in diagram view, but not all connected switches show as connected and nothing at all is seen for any Dell switch beyond 1 hop. After that I also tried installing the Dell MP from the xSNMP suite, although some discussions have indicated that it is not compatible with SCOM 2012. Those seem to be the only 2 suggestions I've seen, however, so I figured it's worth a try. It did install, but no devices are showing up in the discovered devices.
Any suggestions? I've done multiple web searches, but the only 2 possibilities I've run across is the post referenced above and the xSNMP suite, and I'm getting desperate to get something working. Thanks!