Hey guys, quick question regarding the setup of Office 365 monitoring in SCOM that I dont feel like they cover very well in the included guide. Basically I went through all the steps (I believe correctly), but nothing is in the 365 Dashboard (says The dashboard view has been deleted or no longer exists) and I get this alert :
Alert: System Center Management Health Service Credentials Not Found Alert Message
Source: *****
Path: *******
Last modified by: *******
Last modified time: 10/3/2014 4:36:00 PM Alert description: An account specified in the Run As profile "Microsoft.SystemCenter.O365.RunAsProfile.Proxy" cannot be resolved.
This condition may have occurred because the account is not configured to be distributed to this computer. To resolve this problem, you need to open the Run As profile specified below, locate the account entry as specified by its SSID, and either choose to distribute the account to this computer if appropriate, or change the setting in the profile so that the target object does not use the specified account.
Note: you may use the command shell to get the Run As account display name by its SSID.
Management Group: *****
Run As Profile: Microsoft.SystemCenter.O365.RunAsProfile.Proxy
Account SSID: ******
Maybe I dont understand the alert very well... but I am very confused which account and what properties/access this account needs that is in the runAS profile... if that makes sense. But Like I said, I did follow the included guide and setup the sub and needed office 365 user as it stated. If anyone can help me out with this that would be awesome! Thanks.