I'm having a few issues with our management servers writing to the Data Warehouse DB. I've checked the 'Management Group' table and can see the WriterLoginName is set toDOMAIN\sv-scom-dw - however, i'm just querying whether that field should readsv-scom-dw
The account is in fact a domain account. It's listed as the 'Data Warehouse SQL Account' & 'Data Warehouse Action Account' (under Administration > Run As configuration > Accounts).
We have two entries in the database security (rights over OperationsMangerDW), one as DOMAIN\sv-scom-dw & a local SQL login called sv-scom-dw. Both accounts have the following permissions: apm_datareader, apm_datawriter, db_datareader, db_owner, OpsMgrReader, OpsMgrWriter, public.
We're a SCOM 2012 R2 environment. All servers are 2012 R2, SQL is also 2012 standard.
Anyone faced a similar issue before? I'm seeing a lot of alerts in the Monitoring section for the Data Warehouse. One in particular:
Data Warehouse failed to discover performance standard data set. Failed to enumerate (discover) Data Warehouse objects and relationships among them. The operation will be retried.
Exception 'SqlException': Management Group with id ''5F201AB2-4B10-7FCC-C716-B2361102248D'' is not allowed to access Data Warehouse under login ''sv-scom-dw''
One or more workflows were affected by this.
Workflow name: Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.Discovery.StandardDataSet
Instance name: Performance data set
Instance ID: {B81C47FB-A80D-0FE5-A8DB-DC4544FC8DA6}
Management group: ******
As you can see from the alert the account referenced is 'sv-scom-dw' and not 'DOMAIN\sv-scom-dw'. Which is why I originally asked, should the field in the management table be updated?
Thanks, David.