I'm having difficulties getting SCOM 2012 to catch specific SNMP traps sent from Avaya \ Nortel switches.
After quite a bit of trial and error, I've managed to get SCOM to catch all SNMP traps via a rule. I was only able to achieve this after editing the management pack. Turns out the switches were discovered with SNMPV2, but they only send SNMPV1 traps. SCOM was ignoring the traps received until I changed the SNMP version in the MP xml file.
Now that I'm seeing all of these traps, I'm trying to take the information in them and create monitors using specific OIDs, to identify certain events (i.e.: network loop \ BPDU filter).
Thus far I haven't been able to figure out what info SCOM wants while creating the monitor. Hoping someone can clarify what parameters are needed.
1) I create the SNMP Trap monitor, give it a name, included it into a new MP and set the target to "Node".
2) The next parameter requested is "First SnmpTrapProvider" and it is expecting an OID.
-----Is this the OID identifying the specific event, or the OID of the device, or something else?
3) Next, SCOM asks for an expression which includes a "Parameter Name", "Operator", and "Value"
-----Again, is the parameter name expected to be another OID?
If I can get confirmation on what information is being requested here I think I can make progress, but so far everything I've tried here fails to "kick-in" when I generate a matching trap on the discovered device.
Thanks for any assistance.