Hi all,
Been seeing this from one of our exchange mailbox servers once a day,
Alert: Scom agent failed to send perf data to SCOM. Issues may be occurring that are not being properly reported.
Source: Server - XXXX- XXXX
Path: XXX.XX.XX.XXX;<server name> - XXXX
Last modified by: System
Last modified time: 11/5/2014 (MM/DD/YY)
Alert Description: In PerfDataSource, querying for Global Snapshot failed with error 'The size limit for this request was exceeded.
One or more workflows were affected by this.
Workflow name: _cc4f2e1a_817c_44d9_b527_4216676b3bfd_
Instance name: Database Copy (log) Logical Disk Space (F:) - Server (Mailbox)
instance ID: {2FB68006-BD4A-A39C-5D40-0588077643F7}
EventSourceName: Health Service Modules.
I've checked my event logs, it seems to be taking global snapshot quite ok frequently each day but one would fail and cause this error.
I am wondering what would cause this and if anyone has experienced this before and resolved it.