I have a script that puts computers and their respective watchers into maintenance mode by way of the SCOM SDK in 2012. I look up the watchers via their relationships to the computer through the Health Service. The script works, except for the critical part:
If (!$ComputerObject.InMaintenanceMode -or !$HealthServiceWatcher.InMaintenanceMode)
Write-Host "Placing $($ComputerObject.Displayname) into Maintenance Mode..." -ForegroundColor Green
$HealthServiceWatcher.ScheduleMaintenanceMode($StartTime, $EndTime, $Reason, $Comments, "Recursive")
$ComputerObject.ScheduleMaintenanceMode($StartTime, $EndTime, $Reason, $Comments, "Recursive")
The first ScheduleMaintenanceMode command works, but he second always fails with
Exception calling "ScheduleMaintenanceMode" with "5" argument(s): "The client has been disconnected from the server. Please call ManagementGroup.Reconnect() to reestablish the connection."
It doesn't matter if I try to set the watcher first or the computer first. The 2nd command fails. *However*, if I pause at that point in the script and paste the command into the console - it works! Then, it still fails trying to run it from the script.
Naturally, I tried $MG.Reconnect() between them, but no luck.
Anyone have a clue on this one?