All of my agents are manually installed because I leverage ADI. To be consistent my domain controllers also were manually installed however I disabled ADI because this is obviously not supported. I decided that I wanted to change my agent deployment strategy for all domain controllers to be pushed from the console. Since my agents report into a 2007 and 2012 envrionment my process was the following:
1) Remove DC Agents from both SCOM consoles
2) Uninstall agent on DC (via SCCM)
3) Push Agent from 2012 console
4) Push agent from 2007 console for the purpose of dual homing.
Unfortunatly when I reached step 3 and pushed the agent from the 2012 console it installed, but 1) the helper objects were not installed and 2) the local Ops Mgr agent applet in the control panel said that the agent was configured for ADI. I confirmed this in the registry and indeed the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HealthService\Parameters\ConnectorManager\EnableADIntegration was set to 1.
I am not sure what is going on here and thought I would throw this out to the group to see if anyone else has experienced this. I thought Agent installs from the console did not support AD integration and that the helper objects would auto install on a DC.