Hello All,
I have been facing issue with an agent since yesterday. It shows up grayed out in the console and in the OpsMgr eventlog I see 21006 and 21016 events being logged often. Error event,
The OpsMgr Connector could not connect to MS1:5723. The error code is 10048L(Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.). Please verify there is network connectivity, the server is running and has registered it's listening port, and there are no firewalls blocking traffic to the destination.
Port query to my MS over 5723 gives me a socket error,
Error opening socket: 10055
An unspecified Winsock error has been encountered.
I have tried creating 'MaxUserPort' and 'TCPTimeWaitDelay' DWord values in HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\TCPIP\parameters in the registry, but that doesn't seem to have resolved the problem.
Any ideas in fixing this?