we have a number of test/dev servers in our live environment that we want to monitor with SCOM to pick up on problems such as disk space and other general problems.
We dont have loads of these servers as we also have these off the live network but what I am finding is people putting requests to override for instance all the web sites on a test server because they are up and down all the time. Same with some SQL testing.
I am trying to think of the best way to tackle this -
I could put all the objects (say 80 websites) into a long maintence mode
I could do an override for all 80 websites individually on first error (say "website is unavailable")
I could override something at a "higher layer" than the above
I could do a discovery override/block of the websites for that server perhaps so SCOM dosent even know IIS is on the server??
Any other ides?
we have a number of test/dev servers in our live environment that we want to monitor with SCOM to pick up on problems such as disk space and other general problems.
We dont have loads of these servers as we also have these off the live network but what I am finding is people putting requests to override for instance all the web sites on a test server because they are up and down all the time. Same with some SQL testing.
I am trying to think of the best way to tackle this -
I could put all the objects (say 80 websites) into a long maintence mode
I could do an override for all 80 websites individually on first error (say "website is unavailable")
I could override something at a "higher layer" than the above
I could do a discovery override/block of the websites for that server perhaps so SCOM dosent even know IIS is on the server??
Any other ides?