I am currently trying to uninstall the "Windows SharePoint Services 2003". I would be able to delete this as it dosent list any MP's that are dependant on it. However looking at the "Windows Sharepoint Services Librairy" I have a list
of around 10 unsealed MP's that depend on this (as well as the sharepoint services 2003 sealed which I would expect.
These management packs tend to be for the monitoring of basic services, performance counters etc.
I have exported each of these into XML and while the dependancy is there looking through any monitors etc. the MP is not referenced again. Now I know how to edit the XML and remove the dependancy but I dont fully understand why the dependancy is there so dont just want to hack it out. For the basic services I would imagine most of the target are "windows server" for example. Just wondered if anyone can help me understand why sharepoint has worked its way in there and what I can do next??
These management packs tend to be for the monitoring of basic services, performance counters etc.
I have exported each of these into XML and while the dependancy is there looking through any monitors etc. the MP is not referenced again. Now I know how to edit the XML and remove the dependancy but I dont fully understand why the dependancy is there so dont just want to hack it out. For the basic services I would imagine most of the target are "windows server" for example. Just wondered if anyone can help me understand why sharepoint has worked its way in there and what I can do next??