I'm trying to deploy SCOM and other System Center products and therefore it makes sense to move the databases to a dedicated SQL Server array. In the end it should be an alwayson availability group using 2012 sp1, but to minimize the configuration I have destroyed everything and try to get it running with a single default instance sql server 2012 sp1.
(yes remote connection enabled and correct port setting...and I am the sysadmin)
After going through the requirements I was pretty sure I need 1433 and that's it. (because I removed the need for UDP 1434 for the named instance reply)
But I still end up with an Exception Error Code: 0x800706BA, Exception.Message: The RPC server is unavailable. in the logfile during the installation when it comes to the database connection.
The answer to this can not be "just open" all high ports (as usually) because it is not stated in any documentation, so I'm wondering why it is not standing there if it is needed, or what is the correct setting to get it working without them?
thanks in advance and regards,