I'm trying to write a powershell script to get the information mentioned in the subject (criteria, subscriber, channel). Basically all the stuff that I can see in the GUI. We've got almost 100 different subscriptions setup and I don't want to go through them all copying information by hand.
Thus far, I've tried variations on get-NotificationSubscription:
get-notificationsubscription | where-object {$_.Enabled -eq $true} | format-list displayname,torecipients
get-notificationsubscription | format-list DisplayName,@{Label="Criteria";Expression={$_.configuration.Criteria}}
One of my issues is that when looking at the criteria, it's all in XML, which isn't my strong suit, but not insurmountable. The problem is that the criteria presented this way doesn't seem complete. It seems to only contain Severity, Priority and ResolutionState tags. I've looked at object that I know (from looking in the gui) should contain more criteria info such as: What rules or monitors created the object, which instance in which group raised the alert.
I'm going to keep digging, but any assistance would be much appreciated.