Hi All,
I have installed HP DMC for monitoring of Hardware via SCOM 2012. After installating DMC I am trying to add the devices , but running with an error saying " unable to add device " When I check the logs i found the following details
[28/08/2013 15:09:20 PID=5372] (DeviceNotFound) Event: The HP Device Monitor Service was unable to discover the device. Please check the connection and configuration for the device and try to discover the device again.
Could not discover or identify x.xx.9.63. Ensure the device is up and connected to the network. Ensure the credentials are correct by verifying the community string for SNMP managed devices. Ensure the Insight Management Agents are currently
running on in-band server devices. Ensure the Agentless Management is configured properly in the iLO Management Engine for out-of-band server devices.
[29/08/2013 12:00:06 PID=5372] Error: PushHTTPRequest: http error: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: NotFound (404) is not one of the following: OK (200), Created (201), Accepted (202), NonAuthoritativeInformation (203), NoContent (204), ResetContent (205),
PartialContent (206)
at Microsoft.Http.HttpMessageExtensions.EnsureStatusIs(HttpResponseMessage response, HttpStatusCode acceptable, HttpStatusCode[] otherAcceptable)
at CSDataLayer.RESTHelper.PushHTTPRequest(HttpMethod method, String URLExtension, String payLoad, HttpStatusCode& httpStatus)
[29/08/2013 12:00:06 PID=5372] (DeviceNotFound) Event: The HP Device Monitor Service was unable to discover the device. Please check the connection and configuration for the device and try to discover the device again.
Could not discover or identify x.xx.9.25. Ensure the device is up and connected to the network. Ensure the credentials are correct by verifying the community string for SNMP managed devices. Ensure the Insight Management Agents are currently
running on in-band server devices. Ensure the Agentless Management is configured properly in the iLO Management Engine for out-of-band server devices.
PFA screen shot of the error