Hello All
One this that I found anoying in SCOM 2007 R2 is the Criteria for Notification Sunscriptions
One thing that I found annoying in SCOM 2007 R2 (We have SCOM 2007 R2 CU6, not sure if they have resolved this in 2012 R2) is the inability to filter out Notifications from Notification Subscriptions if they contain a given piece of text in the Alert Description field.
For example I have the current MS SQL Management Pack Installed, it contains a rule called
“OS Error occurred while performing I/O on page”
which alerts as expected.
However we there is a specific alert I do not want to send out via a subscription. The only different between the notification I want to filter out and the ones that I do not is the “Alert Description” field of the alert. The override for the rule only allow overriding Enabled, Severity, Priority.
In this situation apart from using a custom command channel notification for my notification subscriptions, does anyone know a way to filter all Notification through expect where said alert contains a given string? With regex you can use do this, but the only option in the subscription criteria is “description contain” it would be create if you could add a second criteria for “description does not contain” again I cannot override the rule short of disabling it and creating my own.
Thanks all