Hello All,
After I configured subscriptions with many monitors, error alerts appear at SCOM(scom 2012 r2) console in active alert page.
I googled it and found some topics at TechNet but I could not figure it out. Alert description is shown below
Alert subscription data source module encountered errors while running: Alert subscription data source module was unable to find alerts that match the subscription because of database errors.
The following error(s) were encountered:
Exception Message: The incoming request has too many parameters. The server supports a maximum of 2100 parameters. Reduce the number of parameters and resend the request.
One or more workflows were affected by this.
Workflow name: Subscriptioneaa7b044_b3c1_4198_be71_ffaaf66a163f
Instance name: Alert Notification Subscription Server
Instance ID: {E07E3FAB-53BC-BC14-1634-5A6E949F9230}
Management group: STS
Any idea?