Good Day!!!..
Here am facing one issue for run Network Discovery Rule in SCOM 2012 SP1
Setup: we have 2 Management servers, created network resource pool, created new network discovery rule after delete existing one, added 3 Run As account and import set of 10 IP’s and assigned to respective account , saved the configuration .
Selected the option run discovery after complete the configuration wizard.
When save this rule we are getting Event 12100 in Management server after exact one hour we are getting one more event 12101.
I think as per the best practice rule has been created and with network resource pool but when click to run the rule the task view windows is successful but in the Network Discovery rule window“Status” is idle all the times when run task .
I can’t find any of devices shows in Devices or pending state
Event are
If anybody help that will be very helpful.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks & Regards, Kesa_Kara