Hi All,
I have newly migrated my stand alone SCOM 2007 R2 to a cluster, now my standalone DB,DW are moved to a cluster as well as RMS.
Howevr , my email notification woked fine for 2 days and then it stopped now ever since i have installed the web console on one of the cluster nodes, which is working fine. Now the issue is , My RMS virtual cluster name under the Management server node in
Administration pane is unhealthy(gray) . I recieve no email notification and the discovery does not work . it comes up with an error ,plz see the attachement.
For the discovery related issue one of the blogs advise to change the account under which health service is running from local system to domain account when the DB and RMS roles are on different servers[which is my scenario].
I am not sure if that should be done and further more i am on a cluster so if this has to be done ,does this need to be done on both the nodes?
With respect to notifications which is my prime issue ,i have tried ,disabling ,re-enabling and restarting the services sequentially , and rebooting the servers ,nogo.I also attempted to create the command line channel but as i am not good at scripting I did not suceed with that. I also have tested the smtp server using telnet ...and it worked fine , i got an email . I guess the issue is internal to scom workflows. And I strongly believe if I can get the RMS state back to healthy all should start working just fine, could you help me further.