Hi All,
I Have this issue regularly, I am using SCOM 2007 R2 CU4. But recently this issue has become very frequent. I see more number of old alerts rather than new alerts in my SCOM console. Below is a screen shot. Is there any specific reason for this ? If yes, How can i overcome this issue.
I checked the Health of the databases (Both Opsmanager & Ops manager warehouse database). Both are healthy they have 0 consistency errors in them. And have enough free space in them.
Below is the SQL Query what is used to check them.
For OpsmanagerDB -
DBCC CHECKDB ('Operationsmanager')
For Ops manager Data warehouse:
DBCC CHECKDB ('OperationsmanagerDW')
Ops db has 16GB Free from total of 40GB.
Warehouse DB: 56GB Free from total size of 180GB.