I am seeing some Perf Issue in My Ops Mgr DB implementation . I have migrated to new HW , But still the Perf issue is present.
On Closer Look , I Ran the below Query on the my Ops DB which is hosted on SQL 2012 SP1 with Always-On Enabled & found some unusual Stuff Occupying my Ops Mgr. DB
WITH xCTE([ObjectName], [PartitionId], [Rows], [Type])AS
--Get the partition information for all internal tables that we are interested in
SELECT so.name, p.partition_id, p.row_count, so.type
FROMsys.objects so
LEFTJOINsys.dm_db_partition_stats pON p.object_id= so.object_id
--WHERE so.name IN ('sysdercv', 'sysdesend', 'sysxmitqueue', 'sysconvgroup', 'sysremsvcbinds')
--AND p.index_id = 1 --Only care about clustered index
--Get the partion information for all the service queues in the db
SELECT so.name, p.partition_id, p.rows, so.type
FROMsys.objects so
LEFTJOINsys.objects so2ON so.object_id= so2.parent_object_id
LEFTJOINsys.partitions pON p.object_id= so2.object_id
WHERE so.type='SQ' --type "SQ" = Service Queue
--AND p.index_id = 1 --Only care about clustered index
AND so.is_ms_shipped= 0 --Do not care about MS shipped broker queues
SELECT ObjectName,Type
,CAST((reserved_page_count* 8.0)/1024.0 ASDECIMAL(10, 2))AS'Reserved Space (mb)'
,CAST((used_page_count* 8.0)/1024.0 ASDECIMAL(10, 2))AS'Used Space (mb)'
, [Rows] as'Rows'
LEFTJOINsys.dm_db_partition_stats sON x.PartitionId = s.partition_id
ORDERBY'Reserved Space (mb)'DESC
ObjectName | Type | Reserved Space (mb) | Used Space (mb) | Rows |
sysdercv | S | 73697.39 | 73687.63 | 107554711 |
sysdesend | S | 5928.95 | 5927.45 | 107554711 |
sysconvgroup | S | 3882.45 | 3881.66 | 107554711 |
Total |
| 83496.74 |
Similarly I ran the Same Query on SQL 2008 DB , this File seem to very Less Utilized.
ObjectName | Type | Reserved Space (mb) | Used Space (mb) | Rows |
sysdercv | S | 80.53 | 78.94 | 111163 |
sysdesend | S | 7.66 | 6.35 | 111163 |
sysconvgroup | S | 5.22 | 4.12 | 111163 |
Does anybody have any Idea how do I work to get file Eliminated or minimize it usage in SQL 2012 for Ops Mgr. DB implementation .
Or any method which would be workaround for the above.
Jason Aranha