I have a monitoring alert set up so that when Event ID 4724 is logged on my DCs I will get an email. This is to alert me when one of my Techs changes an AD password. The alert works good, I have it filtered how I want it, etc.
Problem is with the email formatting. After I made a change to the email format, the next alert that comes through, the email looks nice and pretty. Any alert after that and the email is not readable. Any thoughts on why?
Example of first email I get after alert is triggered:
Alert: AD Password Changes
Source: Server
Path: Server.domain.com
Last modified by: System
Last modified time: 8/13/2013 10:28:27 AM Alert description: Event Display Number: 4724
DataItem: An attempt was made to reset an account's password.
Security ID: Domain\_Username
Account Name: _Username
Account Domain: Domain
Logon ID: 0x17aafaf00
Target Account:
Security ID: domain\username
Account Name: username
Account Domain: DOMAIN
Example of the email I get every time the alert is triggered after the first time:
Alert: AD Password Changes
Source: Server
Path: Server.Domain.com
Last modified by: System
Last modified time: 8/13/2013 10:30:58 AM Alert description: Event Display Number: 4724
DataItem: usernameDOMAINS-1-5-21-576132814-1232237930-1617787245-4754S-1-5-21-576132814-1232237930-1617787245-23932_UsernameDOMAIN0x17ab7763d
Description: An attempt was made to reset an account's password.%n%nSubject:%n%tSecurity ID:%t%t%4%n%tAccount Name:%t%t%5%n%tAccount Domain:%t%t%6%n%tLogon ID:%t%t%7%n%nTarget Account:%n%tSecurity ID:%t%t%3%n%tAccount Name:%t%t%1%n%tAccount Domain:%t%t%2
Any thoughts on how I can fix this?